Do you have flashing lines stuck on the display of your water softener? Let's go through some troubleshooting steps to get this fixed. Read on below!
Before You Start
Try pressing the Select and Up/Down arrows. Do they respond and change the display?
- NO - Click the box below for troubleshooting instructions.
- YES - Choose the correct model code for your unit and continue through the Programming Menu.
Click here for Troubleshooting Instructions
1. Go ahead and unplug your power supply from the outlet.
2. Remove the top cover of the unit.
- On the back of the unit, you'll unhook the two clips that hold the cover onto the tank below (see photo below). Flex/pull the cover out and away from the softener at these clips.
- There are two similar clips holding the front of the cover on as well. Slide the cover towards you to release these clips. Be careful not to disconnect any wires. It's normal for the plastic cover to produce some noise as it shifts and bends.
3. Under the lid, you'll see the wires running to the control board. The board may be hidden by a removable plastic cover - if so, squeeze both sides of the cover to remove.
4. The control board is connected to the top cover by a tab on each corner. Starting with one side, flex the gray tabs back to free the board.
5. Holding the board in your hand, disconnect the following (pictured):
- Wire Harness - Red plastic connector with the 5 colored wires attached.
- Motor - Wires are hardwired into your board. Follow these wires and disconnect at the plastic connector.
6. With those wires still disconnected, plug the power supply back into the outlet.
7. Take a look at the display - are you are able to use the Select or Up/Down buttons now to change the screen?
- YES - Continue to step 8.
- NO - The Control Board likely needs replacing. Check out What is My Warranty to see if you're still covered. Otherwise, information on purchasing replacement parts can be found here.
8. Go ahead and plug the Wire Harness back into the board. Did the dashes return?
- NO - Continue to step 9.
- YES - The Wire Harness needs to be replaced. Check out What is My Warranty to see if you're still covered. Otherwise, information on purchasing replacement parts can be found here.
9. Last thing to do here is reconnect the plastic Motor wire connection. Did the dashes return?
- NO - Continue to program the softener as normal.
- YES - The Motor needs to be replaced. Check out What is My Warranty to see if you're still covered. Otherwise, information on purchasing replacement parts can be found here.
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